Are you Crazy Bald Head and all stupid Peace Delegates KNU Leaders I think all of you are loosing your minds already
I think even a KG
student can figure that out, that the Burmese Government do not want the
genuine Peace but they have just wanted to full the Whole world that there is
peace already in Burma, which is not. Why? There is no reason why they have to
increase their Military Posts in our Karen State and other Ethnic control areas
where there is a signing Ceasefire paper existed.
Again can you proof it if any action has been followed up and
taken places so far, according to the 11th signing principles or not. If
nothing happened at all, why all of you are too hungry and thirsty to go for a
Nationwide Ceasefire. Where only a single state ceasefire does not concretely
Now the Grand son is teaching his Grand Father why because, his
Grand Father is already turned Baby or Baby turned and has no brain and bravery
to stand for his own people and it’s Nationality. This is so calleda leader
without dignity, hope andfuture. Do you know that you are now committingand
accused as the criminal of killing our Karen present and future generation?
I have heard that you
get paid by U Aung Min through peace Fund, you are selling your own people with
80,000 Thai Baht a month and destroying over millions and millions of our Karen
People World Wide and their future heritage do you know that or you are out of
your mind. I think I got to teach you from the past over 60 years, we are
struggling for our revolution freedom for our Karen people, but now do you know
what you aredoing?
We are not playing Myanmar Politics aren’t we? We are
struggling for our heritage, our freedom and our own destiny. You can form your
party that representing your own Karen people and play the Karen National
Politics after gaining your freedom.
Please proclaim to the Whole World of how are you going to
explain to your own people for those who have shed their lives, eyes, hands,
legs, ears and also to their relatives who left behind? I don’t think these are
miseries but you have to be proud of these people and honored them as they are
loyal to their stupid
leaders like you and these people giving their precious time and
lives with no hesitation.
I responsible for what I have said and you can always
contact me at my contact details prescribed here below:
Major (Saw Dah)
KNU/KNLA Peace Council
Local Call: 09-32353482
International Call: +66-932353482
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